Customer Reviews

We love to hear from our customers. Please leave a review here about our food & service. We will take your suggestions to improve the quality of our food & services.

Steve Hibbitt
Amazing food. The freshness, depth of flavour and spices is really noticeable, compared to many other places. By far the best restaurant/takeaway in the area for this type of food. The staff are very polite and friendly - and it’s a lovely experience to eat inside the restaurant due to this (was pre-Covid last time we managed to do this). I’ve eaten plenty of curries over the last 30 years and this has to rank consistently right up at the top for me. The prices are a few pounds more than some other places, but definitely worth it. You will appreciate paying that little bit extra when you eat it. Can’t say enough about the superb taste - and we’ve tried quite a few different dishes to know it wasn’t a one-off.
john foster
new to area.very nice meal.good balance of spices.good range of indian/persian choices.took a little while because of my location but well worth the wait.friendly delivery driver.would definitely recommend and order again.thanks.

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